Saturday, October 11, 2008

It's Potty Time

Yesterday, we started potty training.

So far, bug will pee on the potty, or in his pants, but its a start. I feel like a cheerleader sitting on the bathroom floor saying YAY! But its given me hope to imagine that he won't be in diapers at 4. For all my dislike of his preschool, it has definitely helped the potty training.

Its a good thing and yet bittersweet. I realized that once we *are* potty trained, this means no more long roadtrips to say Rainier without planning places to stop; needing to know where every toilet is near a park, etc.

Sad that it can't all just be good. But I do look forward to one kid in diapers.

Speaking of diapers, Caleb starts the full-time (except overnight) cloth diaper adventure today. At least for now it seems to make the putting the diapers on part more fun. Certainly helps that the kid never poops; solid foods will make for an adventure.